Lycée Senghor's The Little Princess - Lycée Léopold Sédar Senghor

Lycée Senghor’s The Little Princess Blog des élèves de 1L option anglais approfondi 2011-2012

, par Christelle EXARE

This blog is being maintained by 17 students from the Lycée Senghor, Evreux, Normandy.


After we read St Exupéry’s The Little Prince we wrote our own pastiche in eight chapters. This website was originally aimed at the study of Saint Exupéry’s work. Now, we have decided to upload all the best of our joint work. So we hope you enjoy reading our stories and papers. Don’t hesitate to post your comments !

Sarah, Matthieu, Clémence, Sébastien, Marlène, Laureen, Claire, Tiphaine, Justine, Fabiola, Léa, Marine, Manon, Elodie, Auriane, Chloé and Pauline...and their teacher : Christelle Exare

Police pour dyslexie ?
Interlignage double ?